Talking Ben the Dog v1.0 Android

Talking Ben the Dog v1.0 Android
 ★★★ HOW TO PLAY ★★★
✔ Poke Ben's newspaper to make him fold it.
✔ Then you can talk to Ben and he will repeat.
✔ Poke or slap Ben's face, belly, feet or hands.
✔ Tickle Ben's belly.
✔ Poke or swipe Ben's graduation picture.
✔ Press the phone button and have a conversation with Ben.
✔ Record a funny video of your telephone conversation with Ben.
✔ Press buttons to make Ben eat, drink or belch.
✔ Press the chemistry button to switch Ben to the laboratory.
✔ Mix any two test tubes together and see the hilarious chemical reaction.
✔ Record videos and share them on YouTube, Facebook or send them to your friends and family by email or MMS.

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