Asphalt 5 Game SD Card Conetnts

Asphalt 5 Game SD Card Conetnts and Apk For Android OS
Asphalt is rocketing onto Android! Get behind the wheel of the best vehicles from prestigious manufacturers (Lamborghini, Kawasaki, Ford, etc) and make a name for yourself in amazing 3D surroundings. Asphalt 5: for NexusOne, Droid, Motoroi, Xperia & other powerful devices


1. Download and Extract AndroidApps.TK_Asplt5.rar
2. You will Find Asphalt5_3.2.1.apk and asphalt5 folder in it.
3. Install Asphalt5_3.2.1.apk (Don't run after install)
4. Copy asphalt5 folder into /sdcard/gameloft/games/asphalt5

Done...!!! Now Run will work Fine...!!


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